Finding business performance improvements through telecommunications re-engineering


  • Andrew Wilson



restructuring, telecommunications industry, electric industry


Restructuring within the Electricity Industry across Europe has, and continues to have, a huge impact on operational andnfinancial performance. This alone presents issues for companies on how best to meet the telecommunications needs of a changing business, often having to cope with merging or de-merging organisations. However, when coupled to the process of de-regulation and the resulting re-structuring in the Telecommunications Industry, the potential for further
destabilisation of the Electricity Industry increases.
Destabilisation does not, however, have to be a negative factor. In addition to having the potential for driving up telecommunication costs, restructuring across the two industries presents the electricity company or organisation with issues around:
- Changing Requirements and Increasing Demands - Driving Costs UP
- New Technologies and Rationalised Service Offerings - Driving costs DOWN
- New Ventures - Enabling the Generation of ADDITIONAL non-regulated income.
The following sections of this paper explore the differing issues presented by the three themes above from the point of view of the Electricity Industry.


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